Pengertian dan Contoh Report Text - Pembahasan kali ini adalah teks report. Text ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang sesuatu hal atau kejadian kepada pembaca secara apa adanya. biasanya didalam text ini lebih sering menggunakan simple present tense. untuk lebih jelasnya agar lebih mudah untuk mengerti apa itu report dan bagaimana cara membuatanya saya akan menjelaskannya dibawah ini.
Report Text
The Purpose Of report -
- To present information to the reader as is it.( menyampaikan sesuatu secara apa adanya)
Generic Structure of Report -
- General Classification ,
- Description
Language Feature Of Report -
- Using simple present tense ( Lihat artikel Present Tense Untuk lebih jelasnya)
Baiklah itu diatas ada susunan dan tujuan didalam report teks dan bahasa penulisan yang digunakan adalah simple present tense. saya anggap kalian sudah mengerti tentang simple present. selanjutnya saya akan memberikan sebuah contoh dari report teks agar kalian bisa mengerti lebih jauh lagi dan dapat membuat teks kalian sendiri.
Contoh Report Text
General Classification
Earthquake often happens around us. It brings great damages. Earthquake
is hard to be predicted and that makes lot victims.
Actually there are three kinds of earthquake. This kinds of earthquake
are commonly base on the factor and geological area where the earthquakes
happen. These three kinds of earthquake are tectonic, volcanic and explosion.
Tectonic earthquakes is most common one. This kind of earthquake happens
while earth's crust rocks break because of the geological strength created by
moving of the earth's plates.
Volcanic earthquakes happen exactly with volcanic activity. Volcanic
earthquakes are when the volcano produces acidic lava, which drys quickly,
when it drys quickly it blocks the top of the volcano. This make no more
magma can escape. Pressure starts to build up and eventually the acidic lava
can no longer stand the pressure. So the volcano is free to explode, the
pressure is released so fast that an earthquake is caused. A volcanic
earthquake is usually kept within 10-20 miles of the volcano.
Explosion earthquakes are the result of the collapse earthquakes that are
small earthquakes occurring in underground mines and caverns.