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Pengertian dan contoh Narrative Text Dengan Cerita

Pengertian dan contoh Narrative Text Dengan Cerita

contoh Narrative Text
Pengertian dan contoh Narrative Text - Sebuah cerita tentang peristiwa fiktif atau nyata, yang mengikuti format standar dasar. Narrative meliputi plot, setting, karakter, struktur (pendahuluan, komplikasi, resolusi), dan tema. Teks narasi menceritakan sebuah cerita atau urutan kejadian. Hal ini dapat ditulis dari perspektif karakter dalam teks dan tidak perlu faktual, tidak seperti sebuah eksposisi.

Tujuan dari Narrative text:

Narrative text atau teks narasi dibuat bertujuan untuk memberikan hiburan bagi para pembaca.

General Structure/Sususan Narrative text:

1) Orientasi
Set adegan: di mana dan kapan cerita terjadi dan memperkenalkan character dari cerita: siapa dan apa yang terlibat dalam cerita.

2) Komplikasi
Menceritakan awal masalah yang mengarah ke krisis (klimaks) dari para pelaku utama.

3) Resolusi
Masalah diselesaikan, baik dalam akhir yang bahagia atau sedih (tragis) berakhir

4) Re-orientation
Ini adalah pernyataan penutup untuk cerita dan itu adalah opsional. Ini terdiri dari pelajaran moral, nasihat atau ajaran dari penulis

Contoh Narrative Text:

Contoh Narrative Text : The Legend of Rainbow
A long time ago, there was a farmer. He had a small farm. One day he found that a wall which he had built on previous days was getting knocked down. The farmer did not know who or what made it. Because he felt tired of this happening the farmer decided to catch who should be responsible.

One evening, while the farmer was in guard he heard something strange near that wall, then he ran to find out who or what it was. It was surprising him because there were three star maidens there. When they saw the farmer was approaching, they tried to escape. Two of the star maidens could run and escape but one of them was left behind.

The farmer then caught the star maiden. She was beautiful and soon the farmer felt in love with her. Because he was afraid that the star maiden would run away, the farmer hid her magical wings so she could not fly anymore. the farmer and the star maiden got married.

Time went by they live together and got a beautiful baby boy. They lived happily for a long time, until one day, the star maiden found her magical wings near their house. She wore her wings back and flew with her son next to her. The farmer was alone and heart broken.
The gods saw the tears of the farmer. They felt pity of him so they decided to build a bridge of different colors for him to climb to the sky and see his son and wife.

 Cerita oleh : Englishdirection.com

Video untuk Teks narasi

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